Composer Benjamin ( Veniamïn / Benomen / ) Khaèt

Musical compositions

This site shows the notes of 27 musical works written by the composer Khaèt Benjamin on 4034 pages. On Internet their publication is supported through their music on YouTube and  on Google: video and WAVE of 5 hours 46 minutes. These offer the first half of the classical legacy bythe same composer. Why is possible to listen his music with the quality studio?

Fairy tale (score: 43 p., parts: 56 p.)
Jupiter laughs (score and parts: 119 pages)
Uriel da Costa (score and parts: 107 pages)
Fantasies (score and parts: 57 pages)
Spanish dance (score and parts: 53 pages)
The Lullaby (score and parts: 21 pages)
Quartet (score and parts: 26 pages)
Rhythms of steppe (score and parts: 30 pages)
Love Wheat's (score and parts: 59 pages)
Alarm I (score and parts: 59 pages)
Alarm II (score and parts: 120 pages)
Alarm III (score and parts: 117 pages)
Modernism (score and parts: 26 pages)
One curious accident - first act (score) : 265 p.)
One curious accident - first act (parts) : 357 p.)
One curious accident - second act (sc.) : 170 p.)
Allegro molto (score and parts: 44 pages)
Fancy shade (score and parts: 27 pages)
Vassilissa the Beautiful (sc.: 127 p., parts: 213 p.)
Capriccio jewish (score and parts: 149 pages)
Sultan and servant (score and parts: 66 p.)
Detective (score and parts: 58 pages)
Concert for piano and orchestra (score: 125 p.,
klavier: 41 pages, parts: 63 pages)
For 4 altos (score and parts: 61 pages)
Life in force (score: 131 pages, parts: 263 p.)

The Inevitability (score: 87 pages)
Ballade for piano and cello (sc. and part: 33 p.)
Sonatines (klavier: 12 pages)
Peter I (score: 130 p., parts: 247 p.)
Great circle (score: 145 p., parts: 237 p.)
Sinfonietta (score: 24 p., parts: 84 pages)

 All together - 4034 pages

On Windows 8-11 use the following directives - Sound: Improvements: immediate Mode should be disabled: Environment, Transposition, Equalizer: enabled - together the jacks, Sound volume equalizer: enabled, Equalization Loudness. Cancellation of the voice (disabled). In Realtek - Environment - Setting: None. Insert the audio driver HD Realtek: speaker Configuration: front left and front right (disabled). Virtual Surround (disabled for video like YouTube). Virtual Surround (disabled for WAVE audio like SoundCloud). Default format: 24 bit, 192 000 Hz (quality studio). For Windows 7: Its Reading: Headphones - Default device: Properties: Booster basic disabled. Equalization sound level (enabled). Parameters: Frequency: 83 Hz, the Level of the super amplifier. Advanced statistics: 2 - Channel, 24 bit, 192 000 Hz (studio Quality). Playlists in Wave for 346 minutes of these same 15 albums B.Khaèt’s on Bing.

The publisher, the grandson of the composer Benjamin (Veniamïn) Khaèt's, Alexander Kiriyatskiy


25 May 2016, Article
Mногоязычный комплекс Хаэта объединил 15 блогов с разноцветными шаблонами
25 мая 2016 года исполнилось 120 лет со дня рождения ташкентского композитора Вениамина Арнольдовича ХаЭта. К этому дню открыт его разноплановый сайт-лабиринт в Гугле на 7ми языках: русском, итальянском, французском, английском, немецком, ...
24 May 2016, Article
Benjamim Khaèt, o compositore. Novo sítio pela memória do compositor.
Beniamino (Veniamïn) Arnoldovitch Khaèt (25 maio1896 - 5 fevereiro 1975), o sócio da união dos compositores da URSS, nesceu 120 anos atrás. Este novo sítio web  de Internet em sete idiomas é dedicado pela memória do compositor. Na idade de ...